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See how On Now Digital has helped.

On Now Digital offers proven software consulting and development services throughout the Midwest and beyond. Interested in seeing how we’ve helped real businesses? Keep reading.

Custom system integration: When off the shelf doesn’t fit.

A high-capacity commercial testing laboratory in Northeast Ohio ran into a problem when shopping for a new laboratory information management system (LIMS) to track samples, produce workflows and transmit data reports. Nothing on the market seemed quite right.

Data migration: Because old software creates new problems.

A midsize Ohio-based company with 55+ years in business decided to replace its antiquated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. This involved configuring and migrating years of legacy data into a completely new cloud-based platform. One teeny snag: not enough in-house IT resources.

Data collection app: Because people won’t use it if it isn’t easy.

A mobile substation inspection team with a national footprint was capturing a variety of information using clipboards and stacks of forms. Only to spend evenings in hotel rooms uploading photos, hand-entering data and labeling test samples. Luckily, the team implemented an inspection app. But … no one wanted to use it.

Data dashboard: Why copying paper reports isn’t enough.

A commercial diagnostic laboratory in Ohio added value for its customers by not only testing equipment samples but also providing expert interpretation of the results. These potentially game-changing reports, however, were delivered via snail mail and were dense and confusing. The laboratory decided to go digital, but soon learned that not all digital reports are created equal.

Custom app development: When practical is the priority.

An online knowledge-based alliance shares resources to help its members improve the reliability of high voltage electric power systems. These systems can include up to 27 different asset types. And each requires regular maintenance for reliable operation. If only there were a simpler way…


Interested in discussing the results you’re trying to achieve? Get in touch.

Let’s make your job easier.

On Now Digital is a business-minded, integrity-driven technology partner that connects software systems, adds modular improvements and builds new tools to make your job easier. Let’s talk!


On Now Digital

P 330.942.0474

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